When I got my start as a BDSM/fetish photographer, I thought I would only want to use leather whips, rattan canes, riding crops and other “traditional” implements for props. For whatever reason, I thought a classic look was going to be important if I wanted to follow in the footsteps fetish photography greats. THANKFULLY all it took was a visit to the booth of Dragons Designs Impact Toys at a big kink event to realize what a dopey notion that was. I immediately saw you can still get a traditional look with paracord toys or other synthetics if you want BUT you can also make room for whimsical fun and savagery and that’s OK too. If you’ve ever seen a scene in a dungeon where there was as much laughter and mayhem as there was screaming, you know there is plenty of room for hijinx along the way to a desired destination.

Why Go Synthetic?

As I quickly learned once getting ahold of a selection of multi-colored paracord floggers, these things are awesome from a photography standpoint. There are a lot of cases where they are FAR more readable as floggers than dark leather in images, especially when shooting in monochrome, in black light or against all black outfits and backgrounds. And if you like shooting clowns in a BDSM context, which is something I have come to enjoy way too much, fuggetaboutit.

What’s more, due to the nature and flexibility of the medium, paracord toy makers have been able to take creativity and artistry – not to mention brutality – to soaring heights. They do things you just can’t do with leather in terms of knots and wraps. In addition, they can easily incorporate evil (or funny) elements into the design such as steel cables, BBs, barbs, steel shot, dice, golf balls, lacrosse balls, rubber chickens, plastic ice cream cones, wooden beads and neoprene. Some of these things look downright silly, others look wicked (because they very much are) and then there are those who look soft and cuddly but are anything but.

Clean-up for synthetics can also be another major benefit. Some makers suggest putting their gear inside a garment bag and sticking it in the dishwasher. Others suggest boiling water and alcohol. And, of course, there is good old soap and water. None of these things work too well with leather.

Fat Unicorn Monkey Fist

From a sensation perspective, since there a lot of variations in what makers do with synthetic toys, there are a lot of sensations that can be produced. While it is true that some things that can be done with leather that can’t be done with paracord, there are also some sensations you can produce with paracord that you can’t get with leather. But, in many cases, there is a lot of overlap.

In terms of cost, there are a lot of simple paracord floggers and toys that look great and function beautifully that can be had for relatively little money ($60-$100 and, in many cases, these are custom made to order with the colors of your choice). Other paracord toys are super elaborate and take a lot of time and effort to produce. These can cost as much or more than some of their leather counterparts, but those that do are works of art.

Favorite Paracord Toy Makers

Currently there are four paracord toy makers whose products I use frequently in the studio for both photos and play. Each of them seems to be constantly innovating and offering more and more great designs. I’m providing links to mainstream social media sites or websites for each, but if you really want to get a good idea of their complete product lines, the best place to check them out is on FetLife.

Black Knot Toys – Until recently, the primary focus of Black Knott Toys appears to have has heavily flogger-centric. Some are simple, some extremely intricate, some naughty, some nice. However, it appears as if the product line is rapidly being expanded well beyond floggers. My most recent acquisition is a modern take on a medieval flail using a monkey fist with a lacrosse ball inside instead of a spiked metal ball. I’ve yet to photograph it or put it through its paces, but I’m sure it hits like a wrecking ball without a whole lot of effort.

Dragons Designs Impact Toys – Dragons Designs probably hast the most diverse product line of the group. The catalog includes a wide variety of floggers as well as canes, whips, slappers, paddles and more. Not all toys are paracord-based but all are synthetic and vegan. Some toys lean pretty far to the brutal side of the spectrum while others are soft and fluffy.

Overall, the Dragons Designs toys aren’t as intricate and decorative as some other makers, but there is still a lot of beauty in the simplicity (and the savagery). They also deliver a lot of bang for the buck. This is the toy maker that made me realize how awesome synthetic toys can be for both photography and play and some of my all-time best photos include Dragons Designs toys. My favorite toy in their catalog is a paracord cane that kind of looks like a giant strand of DNA called the Helix. Inside the paracord is steel cable that adds a lot of heft. They also make a slapper that looks totally unassuming and fluffy, but it, too has steel cable inside. Both of these don’t look it, but they pack a serious punch.

The Fat Unicorn – Fat Unicorn has an extremely diverse product line as well and some serious artistry goes into pretty much everything they make. If you want to see how many types of toys can be made with paracord, take a deep dive through the Fat Unicorn archives. Like many paracord creations, beauty of some of these toys hides the serious punishment they can dish out. One of my favorite toys of all time is the Mini Mad Monkey. It’s a flogger consisting of 5 monkey fists with golf ball centers. While it is a little challenging to wield, it hits really hard and the bruises it creates cannot be mistaken for bruises made by any other toy.  

Whipsical Crafts – This is a fairly new maker based in Cyprus who has gone from 0 to 100 MPH (not KMPH) in a matter of months. Many of the company’s first floggers were simple, straightforward and elegant. The product line includes small and medium-sized floggers as well, which have proven to be useful in tight spots or on delicate body parts. I added BBs to the falls of my Whipsical Crafts cat and it became the favorite impact toy of the night for one experienced bottom. Lately they have been coming out with a bunch of fun, crazy stuff including a flogger made out of Ethernet cables and finger floggers that converts into a tail held in place with a butt plug.

Even if you’re a total leather snob, the fact is no toy collection is complete with out paracord toys. When it’s time to deliver a beating, sometimes they just cannot be beat.

Wayyyyy back when I was an aspiring fetish photographer with no direct BDSM experience, I wandered by the booth of Breathe Toys at a major kink event. I had just attended an incredible demo on flogging by a woman named Midori and was truly inspired by what I saw. I knew this was going to be something I would end up trying at some point in the near future, though I wasn’t yet clear on exactly how to make that happen.

Among a sea of beautiful standard-sized floggers on display, there hung a giant one-off piece with exceptionally long falls and a sexy handle to match that looked as if it was inspired by a large, two-handed battle sword. It REALLY spoke to me, but without any hands-on experience (or anyone to practice on), I couldn’t justify the purchase just to use it as a photo prop. Moreover, I correctly assumed this behemoth may be a little unwieldy for a beginner. Still, it beckoned and part of me instantly regretted leaving it behind.

Nearly a year later, as a fledgling top with a number of successful impact scenes under my belt, I saw the very same flogger at a different event and knew this time I would make it mine. How many miles had it traveled to find its way back to me? I don’t know, but chances are it was quite a few based on how often Breathe sets up shop in the field. I spent every dollar I made as the photographer for that event (and then some) on that big, beautiful beast and never looked back. That flogger turned out to be extremely photogenic has since found its way into a LOT of my images. Even better, I’ve had several chances to use it for its intended purpose and it is a blast to play with.

All Breathe Toys are built for hard and serious use. Many are as beautiful to look at as they are fun to wield. Breathe’s floggers are stunners. Each is unique — unless, of course, it’s part of a matched pair. The handles are skillfully woven and are instantly recognizable from across the room. Perfectly balanced and made from fine leather, they beg to be held and admired almost as much as they beg to be used. Breathe’s finger floggers, while lacking pretty handles, use swivels with high-performance roller bearings that look cool and function even better.

Other Breathe toys are more understated in appearance. The aptly-named Bastard, for example, isn’t much to look at compared to the floggers, but it’s every bit as satisfying in its own wicked way. The Bastard is a 33-inch-long, 1.5-inch-wide, 1.5-pound mass of stacked leather straps. When it hits, it hits hard and can leave its victim quivering and breathless. It moves a bunch of flesh. It makes a BIG noise. It can — and should — leave some serious bruises, which is exactly what it was born to do. What’s more, if its target isn’t properly secured, it has the ability to send them flying. Fortunately for those not ready to face the Bastard, Breathe also makes a number of smaller and (slightly) more demure people beaters.

It’s worth taking a good look through the website at the entire lineup of gear because there are a lot of really nice things on there including a big assortment of floggers, spankers and a studded leather paddle that looks like pure evil. I have yet to get my hands on one but I KNOW will look great in photos. As you browse, it will become clear that everything on that site (and beyond since the site only shows what is in stock at the time) has been created and crafted with purpose and intent. There’s not a single product in the Breathe lineup that isn’t bad ass. Be warned: if you’re susceptible to making impulse purchases, you may find your first visit to the site a tad problematic. The good news is that, for the level of quality Breathe puts out, pricing is excessively fair and reasonable.

There’s a reason Breathe Toys creations are among the first I use as props in photos and in play. Yet another outstanding maker located in Oregon!

One of my very first Kink shoots involved a model who was tied up with her breasts squashed lovingly in a rather midlevel-looking breast vice wearing nipple clamps that were incorporated into a beautiful necklace. The vice had a ratchet that that made the creepiest noise ever as it was closed tight and the spikes, well, they added a whole other element to the equation (newer models are also set up for electro play too). I was hooked.

So when I went to KinkFest for the first time a few months later, I was super excited to find the Torrid Timber booth and the people who made these devices and show them our collaboration.

It was then I learned how many other beautifully-crafted things Torrid Timber made. Wood restraints, paddles unlike any I’ve seen, hand restraints, something to kneel on to make kneeling more comfortable, something to kneel on to make kneeling FAR LESS comfortable, things designed to torture cocks and balls (the horror), a cage and even a crazy elaborate wooden BDSM bed with a built-in stocks, hard points and a place to do suspension.

What I also didn’t know at the time was how extensively I’d end up using many of these items in my future work. The truth is, many of these objects photograph as well or better than leather, rope or metal counterparts in a variety of circumstances and they compliment leather or rope in many others.

Is it because wood is a natural material that speaks to us on a primal level? Is it because wood just makes sense in a place like Oregon? Is it because of the way wood feels? Or is it because of the way Torrid Timber takes the time and effort to create gorgeous work that is fun to use and fun to shoot. Probably all of those things.

Whatever it is, for photos and for play, Torrid Timber is almost always involved at some point.

One of the first lessons I learned as a fetish/BDSM photographer was that, when it comes to collars, cuffs, gags and other key elements, there is simply no substitute for quality. You MIGHT be able to get away with using a crappy flogger or whip in a shot, but no matter how beautiful the model or how hot the scene, a low-rent collar, harness or restraint will render perfection virtually unattainable.

Conversely, putting a very high-end collar on model can actually make an image come together. High-end kit can flip a switch in a model’s head and give them super powers. They understand the significance of what they are wearing and it shows. With a good enough collar, even a simple portrait can become highly erotic.

Discerning Specialist BDSM collar
Bold and Beautiful Utility Collar from Discerning Specialist

So, once it became clear that I’d be shooting BDSM and kink regularly, I began the quest for some of the finest leather smiths in the business. As fate would have it, two of the three makers I found are right here in Portland. The other is in Canada. They are Church of Sinvention, Discerning Specialist and House of Wolfram. I use collars and restraints from one of these makers in almost every kink shoot I do, to the point where I have started referring to these companies ad the Knotty Photos Big Three.

Each take a very different approach to their craft in terms of styling and functionality, but their attention to detail, artistry and unique designs all set them apart as premium brands. Is there a best among them? I don’t think so. Each excel in different ways and, at this point, I always know which will work best for a particular look without really needing to think about it. All are hand crafted in North America using the best materials on the market.

Of course, quality comes at a price. You’re going to pay a lot more for a collar or play set from one of these companies compared to something you can get on Amazon or a lot of the Eastern European makers on Etsy. At first blush, they may seem similar, when you compare them side by side, you realize there really is no comparison at all and that a lot of the cheap stuff is flat out junk.

Are they worth it?

Considering these are foundational elements of my work, they represent a massive value to me are more than worth the asking price. Even if you aren’t a photographer, if you’re going to collar someone important, you’re going to want to use the best you can afford. So if you have the money, a collar from one of these makers is totally worth it. If you don’t have the cash, the good news is there are plenty of great options out there, you need to be a lot more selective and, if possible, see what you are buying in person. For that, your best bet might be finding a small or local maker. I’ll be featuring some I’ve found in future posts.

On Saturday, June 15 from 6:00 to midnight, Knotty Normal Studios presents its inaugural Kink Vendor Fair and BDSM Play Party. Vendors include Breathe Toys, Torrid Timber, House of Wolfram, Shanky Panky, Versatile Corsets, Mobius Leatherworks, Knotty Photos and more.

Located at 420 SW Washington St. in Portland, Knotty Normal Studios is the home of Knotty Photos. It’s a photo studio and BDSM/kink community space featuring a large play area and an abundance of high-end dungeon furniture.

Tickets are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Each attendee will be given a $10 voucher that can be used towards a purchase from the vendor of their choice during the event. Advanced tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite.

Non-alcoholic beverages and light snacks will be provided. This is an alcohol-free venue, but Kelly’s Olympian is right downstairs.

The event takes place on the 2nd floor. While the venue is not ADA complaint, there is an elevator and we will do our best to accommodate those who need assistance. For additional questions, email shootknotty@gmail.com.


Dungeon Monitors (DMs) will be present to enforce rules, monitor risk-aware play, answer questions and help ensure safety. A DM can help facilitate scene logistics; when in doubt, ask! They may stop play if necessary. All decisions by the  Head DM on duty are final. There is no appeal process.

  • The house safewords are “Red” or “Safeword.” A visual safeword is required for play that impairs speech.
  • Clean all equipment before and after use with disinfectant. Cleaning supplies are available at stations throughout
    the dungeon or you may bring your own. Covering equipment with your own chux/puppy pad, sheet, or towel is
    required for play involving bodily fluids. Pads can be purchased at check-in.
  • We strongly recommend, but do not require, bodily fluid barriers and safer sex practices.
  • Play stations are first-come-first-served and do not have time limits. However, if someone is waiting for
    the play station, please do not start a new scene (even if one participant is new).
  • Do not intrude into a play space or scene/play unless specifically invited. Watching scenes from a respectful
    distance is allowed, but please keep conversation and laughter to a minimum. Do not talk or ask questions to
    players until they are leaving the play space or if invited by the players. Masturbating to other people’s
    scene/play without their advanced consent is not allowed. Please keep walkways clear.
  • Intoxicated play is prohibited.
  • Cell phones may only be used in the vendor area, the lounge adjacent to the vendor area or the outside hallway and must be kept in silent mode and out of sight in the play areas.
  • Play at your own risk.


  • No guns or weapons.
  • No fire play, fireworks or open flames of any kind.
  • No scat, vomit, or urine (water sports) play.
  • No chemical play that could affect other players (mace aerosol spray, etc.).
  • No glitter, helium balloons, paint or other messy art supplies.
  • No waterboarding or scenes involving uncontained water.
  • Wax and blood play are prohibited from THIS event, but will likely be permitted at future events. 


In general, do be nice to people and don’t be an asshole. Respect the very first “no” and don’t ask again. Don’t be racist or a bigot. Don’t shame people. Don’t stalk people. Don’t threaten people. Don’t be gross. Don’t take photos of people without their permission and limit cell phone usage to the hallways.

Every BDSM/fetish photographer needs a rope guy. This is our primary rigger. You may call him Sir G. Sir G is an experienced Dom and rigger as well as a great teacher. If you’re new to the wonderful world of Shibari he’ll break you in gently and keep you safe. If you aren’t new, you’ll appreciate his commitment to safety as well as the craft. The fun thing about him is he’s got a rather dashing and, at times, rather sinister look, which is why he often winds up in a lot of the photos we shoot (of course, he doesn’t have to). You can find his work on Fetlife or check out his Instagram page here.